信息不对称下医患之间的利益冲突与博弈策略分析 - 中国医学伦理学.PDF

信息不对称下医患之间的利益冲突与博弈策略分析 - 中国医学伦理学.PDF

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信息不对称下医患之间的利益冲突与博弈策略分析 - 中国医学伦理学

— 52 —                      Ch ine se M edical Eth ic s 2007 Feb. 1 ( Gen. 111) 信息不对称下医患之间的利益 冲突与博弈策略分析 郑大喜 (华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院财务处 ,湖北  武汉  430030) 摘〔要 〕在医学诊疗过程中,医患双方存在着医疗信息分布和掌握的不对称 ,这种情况直接影响着医患信任的建立和患者 对医疗效果的评价 。医患利益冲突的调节不能完全交由市场去运作 ,不能完全任凭甚至不能主要地任凭医患双方 自由地去博 弈 ;政府必须明确并履行自己的职责 ,为正确调节与平衡我国社会转型期的医患利益创立一个全方位的合理的框架 ,使医患之 间在有控制的理性的双赢的利益博弈中合理地重构当代中国医患关系的基本格局 。 关〔键词 〕医患关系 ;信息不对称 ;利益冲突 ;博弈策略 〔中图分类号 〕R - 052    文〔献标识码 〕A     文〔章编号 〕100 1 - 8565 (2007) 0 1 - 0052 - 05 An Ana ly sis of the In terests C onflict and Gam e Stra teg ies between Phy sic ian s and Pa tien ts under the Cond ition of A symm etr ic Inform a tion F low Z heng D ax i ( Tongj i H osp ita l of H uazhong Un ivers ity of S cience and Technology, H ubei, W uhan, 430030) A b stract:Du ring the m ed ical treatm en t p roce ss, the inform ation amoun ts are a symm etric and unequal between p hysician s and p atien ts, wh ich straigh tly h inders their m u tual tru st and p atien ts ’ evaluation of the m edical treatm en t. The rem ission of the p hysician - p atien t in tere sts conflict can not m erely rely on the m arket conduction , nor can we allow the two side s to comp letely or even m ain ly p lay the gam e by them selve s, . The governm en t m u st be fu lly con sciou s of and sincerely p erform its concerned du ty, so that it m ay p lay a po sitive ro le in setting up a rea sonab le and comp rehen sive fram ework for a balanced p hysician - p atien t in tere sts relation sh ip in the cu rren t condition s of ou r tran sitional society. Therefore, a ba sic fram ework of the p hysician - p atien t relation sh ip w ith the sp ecific characteristic s of modern Ch ina can be


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