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PA CK A GI NG ENG IN EERI NG V ol. 29 N o. 10 200 8. 10 涂布工艺对厚膜涂布性能的影响 黄蓓青, 魏先福, 桑凤仙, 朱年军 ( , 102600) : 为了得到 一定厚度的厚膜, 并保证涂膜表面的平整性, 别采用刮涂法网纹辊涂布法以及丝 网印刷法进行涂布, 改变涂布框厚度刮刀角度网纹辊绕线直径丝网目数和版膜厚度对U V 涂布油进行 涂布, 测试涂布膜层的厚度及表面粗糙度, 研究涂布工艺对膜层性能的影响研究结果表明: 采用刮涂法 可获得较厚表面较平整的涂膜, 且刮刀角度在45b~ 60b范围内, 另外, 采用丝网印刷法也可得到性能较好 的涂膜, 但版膜厚度应很高 : 厚膜; 涂布工艺; 厚度; 粗糙度 : T S801. 4 3 : A : 1001- 3563( 200 8) 10 - 0 118- 0 3 Influence of Different Coating Processes on the Performance of Thick Film H UA N G B ei-qing , WE I X ian-f u, S A N G Feng-x ian, ZH U N ian-j un ( Beij ing Ins i u e of G raphic Communica ion , Beijing 102600 , China) Abstract: A cer ain hickness o f he hick f ilm w as co a ed by he co a ing pr ocesses of scr ape co a ing, anilox r oller co a ing, and screen pr in ing. By changing he hickness of he co a ing fr ame, he ang le of he blade, he diame er of he ne ed anilo x, he mesh co un , and he hickness of he f ilm on he pla e fo r he U V co a ing, he hickness o f he coa ing and he ro ug hness o f he sur f ace w ere measur ed o analyze he in- fluence of diff eren coa ing pro cesses on he perfor mance of he f ilm . T he resul show ed ha he coa ing f ilm is hicker and smoo her w hen a blade is u sed a he ang le be w een 45 b ~ 60 b. T he u se of screen prin - ing also can achieve a be er co a ing perfor mance, bu he hickness of he f ilm o n he pla e hickness should be ver y hig h . Key words: hick f ilm ; coa ing process; hickness; roug hness , : 157g /m2 , , :


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