premiumtools we know how 刀具系列优化工艺在铣加工上 - pokolm.pdf

premiumtools we know how 刀具系列优化工艺在铣加工上 - pokolm.pdf

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premiumtools we know how 刀具系列优化工艺在铣加工上 - pokolm

刀具系列 优化工艺 在铣加工上的咨询服务 Tooling SySTemS ProceSS oPTimizaTion conSulTing in milling STraTegieS Premiumtools. we know how. 提供获胜的技术知识 our know-how for your success eur 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 为了能在残酷的竞争中获胜,你 in order to be successful in severe Offering a full-service-philosophy 就需要能提供产品开发能力及其 competition, you need partners, who is based on an open and trustful 它服务的协作方。Pokolm就具有 are on your side with professionally partnership, which is also admit- 这样的能力。我们正在为2D和3D developed products and extensive ted by our high qualified employ- 的加工提供革新的刀具。 有着 service. Pokolm has this capability. ees. 超过15年的技术经验,提供实用 we are supporting your process-chain 的,同质的刀具是我们的宗旨。 with innovative tooling-technology in we talk the same language and 仔细分析客户需求,精确定义客 the range of 2D- and 3D-milling op- we come involved into your 户疑问是我们解决方案的关键。 erations. w ith our know-how of over projects, highly motivated. Finally, 我们本着公开,真诚的合作态 15 years experience, we are among we create an individual solution, 度,由资深的员工来提供全方位 the leading companies of this range which is increasing your efficiency 的服务。 and offer practice-oriented homoge- in milling operations as well as 我们讨论相同的事,积极主动地 neous tooling systems. our solutions cutting your costs and is im


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