一种基于盲信号提取的同频干扰抵消算法 - 信息工程大学学报.pdf

一种基于盲信号提取的同频干扰抵消算法 - 信息工程大学学报.pdf

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一种基于盲信号提取的同频干扰抵消算法 - 信息工程大学学报

第 8卷第 4期 信 息 工程 大学 学 报 V ol8 No4 2007年 12月 Journal of Inform ation Engineering University Dec2007 1 2 万 坚 , 朱中梁 ( 1 , 450002, 2, 610041) : 为了抵消数字通信中的同频干扰, 提出了一种基于单信道盲信号提取算法不同于现有 的盲信号提取盲分 模型, 本文的模型除了利用数字信号过采样特性, 还充分考虑了载波频率 以及信道噪声的影响并结合调制信号的恒模特性, 提出了基于广义峭度的恒模盲信号提取 算法最后通过实验结果证实算法的有效性和稳定性 : 同频干扰; 盲信号提取; 广义峭度; 恒模算法 : TN911. 7 : A : 1671 0673( 2007) 04 0455 04 Co-Chann el In terference C ancellation A lgorithm Ba sed on M ax im um En tropy M ethod WAN Jian, ZHU Zhong liang ( 1. Institute of Inform ation Engineering, Inform ation Eng ineeringUn iversity, Zhengzhou 450002, Ch ina; 2National Defence Key Laboratory of Blind Processing of Signals, Chengdu 610041, Ch ina) Ab stract: To cancel co channel interference in the digital communication, a single channel blind signal extraction algorithm is presented in this paper. D ifferent from the existing blind signal extrac tion ( BSE) models, the digital signals oversampling character isused in themodel of this paper. A t the same tmi e, carrier frequency and the channel noise are taken into account. Jointed the constant module ( CM ) character of digitalmodulated signa,l the CM generalized kurtosis algorithm is de duced. The results of expermi ents testify the validity and the stability. Key w ord s: co channel interference; BSE; generalized kurtosis; CMA [ 7], , , , , , , , [ 1] , , , ,


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