a la carte 零点菜单.pdf

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a la carte 零点菜单

全日供应早餐 All day breakfast 可供您选择任意搭配的2 个鸡蛋 Your choice of two eggs any style ¥98 煎蛋,炒蛋,荷包蛋和水煮蛋 可搭配火腿,培根,鸡肉肠,西红柿或者 土豆 Choice of fried, scrambled, poached, or boiled With ham, bacon, chicken sausage, tomatoes, or breakfast potatoes (choice of two) 粥类 Rice congee ¥68 新鲜的鱼,牛肉片,鸡肉丝,瘦肉佐以中式油条,辣味咸菜和花生 Choice of fresh fish, sliced beef, shredded chicken, lean pork and accompanied by Chinese dough stick, spicy preserved pickles and peanuts A la carte 零点菜单 汤 Soups 每日例汤 Soup of the day ¥48 大西洋海鲜杂烩 Atlantic seafood chowder ¥58 蘑菇,培根,西红柿,洋葱,土豆和香葱的海鲜奶油汤 Seafood in creamy soup with mushroom, bacon, tomatoes, onion, potato, and spring onion 以上价格另加15%附加费 All prices are subject to 15% surcharge 野生菌汤 Wild mushroom soup ¥58 炒野生菌,炸土豆串和松露油 Sautéed wild mushroom, fried potato strings and truffle oil 酸辣海鲜汤 Hot and sour seafood soup ¥58 虾、带子、鸡丝、黑木耳、竹笋和豆腐 Shrimp, scallop, shredded chicken, black fungus, bamboo shoot and bean curd 开胃菜 Appetizers 新鲜米卷 Fresh rice paper roll ¥68 生菜、薄荷、泰国罗勒、黄瓜和甜辣椒酱汁虾 Lettuce, mint, Thai basil, cucumber, and shrimp with sweet chilli sauce sauce 蒜香面包 Bruschetta ¥48 番茄,罗勒,大蒜和橄榄油脆皮面包 Tomato, basil, garlic, and olive oil with crispy baguette bread 烟熏三文鱼 Smoked salmon ¥88 烟熏三文鱼卷细香葱,鲜奶油,酸豆 Smoked salmon rolls with chive, crème fraîche and capers 沙律 Salads 特色科布沙律 Cobb salad ¥88


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