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2002, 22( 6) : A cta Bot . Bor eal . -Occid ent .Sin . : 1000-4025(2002) 06-1518-08 X 1 1* 2 3 , , , ( 1 , 510650; 2 , 510275; 3 , 666303) : , , , , , , , , 2 , , , : ; ; ; : 945. 6; 330. 3: Q S A - Seed desiccation tolerance and its relationship to seed types and developmental stages 1 1* 2 3 YANG Qi-he , YE Wan-h i , SONG Song-q an , YIN Sho -h a ( 1 , , 510650, ; 2 So th China Instit te of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences G angzho China Zhong- shan Univer sity, G ang zho , 510275, China; 3 Xish angbanna T ropical Botanical Garden , Chinese A- cademy of Sciences, Mengla, Y nnan 666303,China) Abstract: The seed desiccation tolerance is integrative characteristic forming d ring the process of devel- . oping and an important crit erion of determining seed storage characteristic When seeds acq ire the des- , , iccation t olerance t heir physiology shape and st r ct re change accordingly incl ding com posing of s g- ars, prot eins lipids, antioxidant defence systems and other protect ive s bstances. Any protect ive s b- st ance does not f nction independently b t cooperate w ith each ot her to mod lat e the desiccation toler- X : 2002-01-10; :2002-04-17 : ( ST Z97-1-05) ( KSCX2-3-04-05) : ( 1969- ) , ( ) ,, E-mail: yangqihe@ scib. ac. cn . * Cor respondence to: YE Wan-h i. E-mail: w hy@ scib. ac. cn. 6



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