猪瘟病毒e0 蛋白的原核表达及其间接el isa 方法的建立3.pdf

猪瘟病毒e0 蛋白的原核表达及其间接el isa 方法的建立3.pdf

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猪瘟病毒e0 蛋白的原核表达及其间接el isa 方法的建立3

猪瘟病毒 E0 蛋白的原核表达及其间接 EL ISA 方法的建立 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 陈振海 ,王  琴 ,范学政 ,宁宜宝 ,王在时 ,沈青春 ,夏  春 ( 1. 中国兽医药品监察所 , 国家猪瘟参考实验室 ,北京 100081 ;2 . 中国农业大学动物医学院 ,北京 100094) Prokaryotic Expression of CSFV E0 Protein and Development of an Indirect EL ISA f or Detection of Antibody C H EN Zhenhai2 ,WAN G Qin1 , FAN Xuezheng1 ,N IN G Yibao1 , WAN G Zaishi1 , SH EN Qingchun1 ,XIA Chun2 ( 1. Chi na I ns t it ute of Veteri nary D rug Cont rol , t he N at ional Cl ass ical S w i ne Fever R ef erence L aboratory , B eij i ng 100081 , ) Chi na; 2 . Col leg e of Veteri nary M e d ici ne , Chi na A g ricul t u ral Uni vers ity , B eij i ng 100094 , Chi na Abstract : E0 p rot ein of Cl ass ical s w i ne f eve r v i r us ( CSFV) i s of di scriminatory f eat ure in ser um diagno stic t e st for developing CSFV Mar ker vaccine . It i s al so exp ect ed to be u sef ul for monito rin g CSFV p revalence ,evaluating immunization efficacy and e st abli shing immunizatio n p rocedure . To obt ain a lar ge amount of E0 p rot ein in vit ro ,t he H og chole ra l ap i nis e d v i r us ( H CL V ) E0 gene wa s cloned into p ro karyotic exp re ssion p la smids , p GEX4 T 、p E T30 an d p MALp 2X re sp ec ( ) tively . Aft er t he reco mbinant exp re ssion p la smid s were t ran sfor med into BL 2 1 、BL 2 1 D E3 、TB 1 、 BL 2 1co donp lu s (D E3) RP


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