古巴向好莱坞敞开大门 本土电影人喜忧参半.doc

古巴向好莱坞敞开大门 本土电影人喜忧参半.doc

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古巴向好莱坞敞开大门 本土电影人喜忧参半

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:娱乐英语 古巴向好莱坞敞开大门 本土电影人喜忧参半 During a shoot for the Showtime comedy series “House of Lies” last month, Don Cheadle sat outside a cafe in Old Havana, puffing on a fat cigar and clinking glasses with three compadres. 上月,唐·钱德尔(Don Cheadle)坐在哈瓦那老城的一家咖啡馆外,拍摄Showtime的喜剧剧集《谎言屋》(House of Lies)。他抽着粗胖的雪茄,和三位同伴碰杯畅饮。 It was a novel scene — an american actor filming an american TV show on a Cuban street — and one that, until last month, would have been illegal under the United States’s economic embargo. 这是新鲜的一幕:美国演员在古巴街头拍摄美国电视节目。而在上月之前,按照美国经济禁令的规定,这种行为还是违法的。 But regulations published by the Treasury Department on Jan. 26 now allow americans to shoot scripted movies and shows in Cuba for the first time in half a century. The rules opened the door to american projects — which could include scenes for the next “Fast amp; Furious” movie and an Ethan Hawke film — and to collaboration between Hollywood and the island’s underfunded film sector. 但美国财政部1月26日颁布新规,允许美国人在古巴拍摄有剧本的电影和节目。这是半个世纪以来的第一次。新规为美国的电影项目,也为好莱坞与古巴资金不足的电影产业之间的协作敞开了大门,其中包括下一部《速度与激情》(Fast amp; Furious)和伊桑·霍克(Ethan Hawke)的一部电影。 “The world just got bigger because Cuba has become accessible,” said Matthew Carnahan, creator of “House of Lies.” “因为可以进入古巴,整个世界都变大了,”《谎言屋》的主创马修·卡纳汉(Matthew Carnahan)说。 as a location, Cuba was inspiring, if challenging, he said, but added, “I’m dreaming up reasons to go back.” 卡纳汉称,作为一个取景地,古巴虽然充满挑战,但很能启发灵感。他接着表示,“我正在琢磨理由再去古巴一次。” a stream of american filmmakers needing to hire Cuban equipment and crews would be a boon to the country’s independent production industry, which sprouted in the late 1990s as digital technology made filmmaking more accessible and state money for movies ran dry. 一连串需要租借古巴设备,雇佣古巴剧组人员的美国电影人,可能会让该国的独立制片业受益。古巴的独立电影产业出现于90年代末。当时,数字技术降低了电影制作的门槛,且国家用于电影制作的资金也枯竭了。 Some Cuban filmmakers worry, though, that their government will open its arms to Hollywood while continuing to give its own filmmakers the cold shoulder. Indepen


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