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包头医学院2012~2013学年第二学期 2012级专科英语(二)考试试卷(A) Part I Vocabulary Structure (15%) Directions: Choose the appropriate answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. As soon as you decide on the _____ of the new building, please let us know. A. location B. area C. region D. situation 2. She is always a big star at parties because she has a(n) ________ of her own in clothing. A. style B. example C. fashion D. model 3. Of the six people injured in the accident, only two ________. A. killed B. lasted C. damaged D. survived 4. He _____ his knowledge of radio just by standing around the radio station. A. picked out B. picked up C. took out D. took up 5. The washing machine’s so I have to wash all our clothes by hand. A. broken out B. broken in C. broken up D. broken down 6. I wasn’t sure if I could such a powerful car. A. care B. handle C catch D hold 7. We fell in love with the house at first _____. A. view B. sight C. look D. seeing 8. The _ of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university. A. ability B. direction C. purpose D. possibility 9. What’s the most _____ way of building a bridge? A. economic B. economical C. economy D. economically 10. After graduation they kept with each other. A. writing B. contacting C. corresponding D. informing 11. A good student must _____ what he reads from books with what he sees around him. A. combine B. contact C. relate D. refer 12. She had _____ herself that life was worth living. A. persuaded B. believed C. undertook D. considered 13. After a long _____ for the murder weapon, the police found a knife. A. search B. look C. study D. examination 14. We were really by the way you treat your classmates. A. informed B. urged C. connected D. disturbed 15. If you want to operate the machine properly, you’d better look at me carefully and do _____. A. alike B. likewise C. l


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