三步法扩写古诗词句(Three steps to enlarge the words of the ancient poem).doc

三步法扩写古诗词句(Three steps to enlarge the words of the ancient poem).doc

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三步法扩写古诗词句(Three steps to enlarge the words of the ancient poem)

三步法扩写古诗词句(Three steps to enlarge the words of the ancient poem) Ling son son began her water, belly good spot a pattern, peach transparent liquid to come out, she was very fat, pregnant belly is bigger, walk belly all quick to drop the ground, the first secondary experience, hope everyone to see! 生的那天大概怀孕五十八到六十二天这几天,我对生很经验,我家狗生了五次都恰好我一个在家照顾生的内天母狗走动,就在窝里呆着,给母狗弄一个大窝,离暖气近一点一定要暖和,还母狗太吃东西,我家狗这,楼的,我家的狗在窝里大小便压根出窝,我家挺生气的,到了晚上才发现它该生了,果楼家的狗温顺的话它要生了楼可以一下,先找一个窝,里面最好放上暖袋之类的热东西,上面再铺上一层小垫子,把生出来的小狗先放在里面,或者找一个大盒子里面铺上很软布把小狗放进去然后放在暖气旁边,怕母狗继续生的时候,压到已经生出来的小狗,但要放在母狗可以看到的地方,防止母狗认为你们把小狗带走小狗生出来的时候身上一层膜,还脐带,母狗把脐带咬断,把膜吃下去小狗的脐带果过于长的话准备一把剪刀酒消,要全剪掉,脐带留两指长连在肚子上,过两天就变黑的自己掉下来了的母狗很笨,撕掉膜,小狗就憋死在里面,楼可以母狗把膜剥掉,生出来的小狗为了防止鼻孔堵住呼吸,楼要先小狗把嘴巴张开才可以,果母狗难,楼一定要先联系好附近的宠物,要他们的话,果难了立刻打话,然母狗和小狗都可憋死的小狗大概一个小时生两只,也可一个小时生一只,楼要做好通宵的准备一直陪着母狗啊果都生完了,就把母狗侧着躺摆好,把小狗一个个摆过去它吃到就可 Here to changbai mountain tourism changbaishan tianchi since ancient mysterious dreams reveling in her pure fan suzhou accommodation strategy where to find suzhou housing strategy this month where to choose suzhou quality wine to film horrifying mass comments on this month special season, which find a trip to suzhou to live well is to stay home to see the real live comments you find a trip to suzhou which is best! To seek the suzhou tourist attractions, the sea is still looking for the suzhou tourist attractions to visit the sea lancer international equestrian club to play better! Donkey mother travels happy donkey to go to play hard to find! Travel inbound and outbound tourism! Tourism top donkey mother tourist donkey art dragon tour wine reservation for a double dragon swim! Elong reservation is back now! But it would be inside the room elong's biggest wine to changsha, zhangjiajie tourism in suzhou, suzhou suzhou to Tibet tourism plan couple along the way, from Beijing, want to go to Shanghai, suzhou hangzhou area tourist visit down to know the route and landscape in wuzhong district of suzhou dongshan town of related tourism data? For tourists, tourism



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