全套5份英语课件 新人教版必修一第一单元Unit 1 Friendship Language points.pptVIP

全套5份英语课件 新人教版必修一第一单元Unit 1 Friendship Language points.ppt

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全套5份英语课件 新人教版必修一第一单元Unit 1 Friendship Language points

Travel adds to your understanding of the world. Don’t add fuel to the flames. His story just doesn’t add up. He must be lying. His whole schooling added up to no more than one year. Practice 1. The numbers _________ exactly 100. 2. The bad weather ________ our difficulty. 3. If you ____ 5 _____ 5, you get 10. 4. The teacher asked his pupils to _____ their score. 5. The time I spend in studying every day _________ two and a half hours. 6. Colorful balloons can _____ the festival atmosphere. 7. To make sure the result was correct, she ________ the figures again and again. ignore 忽视;忽略;不理睬 把你的得分加起来,我们就知道谁赢了。 这些数目合计为100。 别轻视小错,他们会造成大事故。 专家们对世界人口增长非常关注。 依我看,油价还会继续上涨。 我明天将告诉玛丽新工作的事。你上周就应告诉她的。 I’ll tell mary about her job tomorrow. You should have told her last week. 他陪妻子度过最艰难的时期。 He went through the hardest time with his wife. 弗兰克在战争中历经艰险。 Frank went through many dangers during the war. 我已将详细内容记到了笔记本上。 I have the details set down here in my notes. 他们特意来看望你。 They have come here on purpose to see you. 当晚他们面对面地席地而坐,进行了坦诚的交谈 That night they sat face to face and talked heart to heart with each other. * * * * Language points 课本 百思 笔记本 add vt. vi. addition n. additional adj. ?add to 增加 ?add…to… 把……添加到…… ?add up 加起来;前后一致;合乎情理 ?add up to 总计,合计,总计达 add up to added to add to add up adds up to add to added up ignorant adj.无知的, 愚昧的; ignorance n. 这些男孩如此无礼,我们决定不理睬他们了 The boys were so rude that we decided to ignore them. be concerned about 为...担心 (百思第四页) 专家们对世界人口增长非常关注心. The experts are concerned about the growth of the world’s population. as/so far as sb. be concerned =in one’s opinion 就某人而言, 在某人看来 就我而言,我更倾向于自己回家。 As far as I am concerned, I prefer to go back home by ourselves. . cheat v. 欺骗; 骗取; 作弊 cheat sb. ( out ) of sth. 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb. into doing … 骗某人做… It was foolish of him ___________ ___________. (被骗了钱) He was cheated ___________. ( 吸烟


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