经皮热消融治疗疑难部位肝肿瘤引导技术的临床应用进展 - 传染病信息.pdf

经皮热消融治疗疑难部位肝肿瘤引导技术的临床应用进展 - 传染病信息.pdf

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经皮热消融治疗疑难部位肝肿瘤引导技术的临床应用进展 - 传染病信息

·378· 传染病信息  2016年12月30日  第29卷  第6期  Infect Dis Info, Vol. 29, No. 6, December 30, 2016 经皮热消融治疗疑难部位 肝肿瘤引导技术的临床应用进展 李志艳     [摘要] 肝肿瘤热消融技术日趋成熟,已成为仅次于外科手术的常用治疗手段。邻近肝门、肝内重要管道、胆囊、膈 肌和胃肠道等部位的肝肿瘤,由于操作难度大、并发症发生率高,是经皮热消融治疗的相对禁忌证。近年来随着经皮引导技 术和消融设备技术的不断进步,疑难部位的肝肿瘤可以进行经皮热消融治疗,并取得可靠疗效。本文就经皮热消融治疗疑难 部位肝肿瘤引导技术的临床应用进行综述。     [关键词] 肝切除术;肝肿瘤;消融技术;超声造影;图像引导     [中国图书资料分类号] R657.3;R454.1    [文献标志码] A    [文章编号] 1007-8134(2016)06-0378-04      DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8134.2016.06.015 Progress in clinical application of image-guided percutaneous thermal ablation for hepatic tumor in difficult positions * LI Zhi-yan Department of Ultrasound, 302 Military Hospital of China, Beijing 100039, China *Corresponding author, E-mail: lzyyuer@     [Abstract] Thermal ablation technology has become the widely used and method in the treatment of hepatic tumor second only to surgical therapy. However, due to difficulty in the procedure and high complication rates, the hepatic tumors which are adjacent to hepatic hilum, intrahepatic important vessels and ducts, gall bladder, diaphragm, gastrointestinal tract and other important parts, are relatively contraindicated for percutaneous thermal ablation. In recent years, along with the progress of image-guided percutaneous technology and ablation equipment, image-guided percutaneous thermal ablation has obtained a reliable curative effect in these difficult positions of the hepatic tumors. In this paper, the clinical applications of image-guided percutaneous thermal ablation technology in the difficult positions of the hepatic tumors are reviewed.   [Key words] hepatectomy; liver neoplasms; ablation technology; ultrasomic contrast; image-guided   我国


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