阿霉素海藻酸钠微球栓塞对兔vx2 肝移植瘤生长 - 中国医学影像技术.pdf

阿霉素海藻酸钠微球栓塞对兔vx2 肝移植瘤生长 - 中国医学影像技术.pdf

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阿霉素海藻酸钠微球栓塞对兔vx2 肝移植瘤生长 - 中国医学影像技术

·1108 · 中国医 学影像 技术 2007 年第 23 卷第8 期 Chin J Me d I maging Technol ,2007 , Vol 23 , No 8 Effects on growth and metastasis in rabbit hepatic VX2 carci noma after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using Alginate microspheres- Adriamyci n : an experi mental study XU Kai- yu an 1 , ZOU Yi ng-hua1 * , QI Xi an-rong 2 , HONG Hong 3 ( 1. De part ment of I nterventional and Vascul ar Surgery , First Hos pital of Peki ng Universit y , Beij ing 100034 , Chi na ; 2 . School of Phar maceutical Sciences , Peking Uni versity , Beij i ng 100083 , China ; 3 . Beij ing Shengyi yao Technol ogy Devel op ment Cor poration Ltd , Beij ing 100088 , Chi na) [ Abstract] Obj ective To eval uate t he antit umor effect of transcat heter arterial chemoe mbolizati on ( TACE) wit h al gi nate mi cros phere- adria myci n i n experi mentally i nduced liver t umor . Methods Thrity New Zeal and white rabbits were rando mly divided i nt o five groups and VX2 carci no ma was gro wn i n the l eft lobes of the livers . TACE was perfor med with nor mal sa- li ne ( Group A) , al gi nate micros phere ( Group B) , al gi nate microsphere- adria myci n ( Group C) , Li piodol ( Group D) , and Li- piodol-adri a myci n ( Group E) . Three weeks later , t he ani mal s were killed and pat hol ogic para meters were calculated on t he basi s of fi ndi ngs . Effects oni ntrahepatic and distal metastasis i n all groups were exa mi nated . Results Al gi nate microsphere- adria myci n suppress the gro wth of t umor and have a hi gh l evel of necrosis .I n t he groups of usi ng Al gi nate micros pheres , t here were l ess i ntrahepati c and di stal metastasis co mpari ng wit h the others .But no difference can be seen bet ween Group B


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