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28 Vol. 28 No. 2011 6 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY Jun, 2011 doi10. 969 /jissn2095- 17 6. 20110 066 , , (河南科技学院生命科技学院, 新乡 45 00 ) : 以一株产纤维素酶细菌为主要研究对象进行紫外 诱变研究, 通过考察紫外 诱变时间诱变距离菌体浓 度和菌龄对其产纤维素酶能力的影响, 并用纤维素刚果红培养基进行复筛, 然后进行液体静置发酵产酶试验, 确定 了最适紫外 诱变组合条件结果表明最适紫外 诱变组合条件为: 诱变时间 180 s诱变距离 25 cm菌体浓度为 - 5 10 菌龄为 24h, 在此条件下进行 2d液体静置发酵, 其酶活最高值为 8 0U /mL, 与原始出发菌株相比酶活力提 高了 4008% , 该研究对提高纤维素酶活性具有一定参考价值和借鉴意义 : 细菌; 紫外 诱变; 纤维素酶 : Q9 - ; Q814; Q55 : A : 2095- 17 6(2011) 0 - 0066- 04 Study on ultraviolet mutation of a bacterium strain producing cellulase ZHENG Zhe, JIA Cui-ying, ZHANG Yu-hu i ( School of L ife Science and T echnology, H enan Institute of Science and T echnology, X inx iang 45 00 , Ch ina) A bstrac t: A bacterium strain producing cellu lase w as investigated by UV m utation in th is paper. The influenced factors of mutation tmi e, mutation d istance, cell concentration and cell grow th cycles on ratio of cell death and cellu lose activity were studied. Through the cellulose-Congo red cultivation and ferm entative medium cu ltivation expermi ent, the optmi al mutative cond ition w as ob tained, w hich w as 180 sm utation tmi e, 25cm m utation d istance, 10- 5 d ilu ted cell concen tration and 24h cultivated cell. Under the optmi al condition, the strain statically cultivated for 2 days, the h ighest cellu lase activity of 8 0U /mL w as ach ievedw hich w as m uch higher 4008% than that of original expermi en tal strain, all these resu ltsw ill give som e rem arkable values and references for enhancing cellu lose activi- ty. K eyw ords: bacterium; ultraviolet mutation; cellu lase


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