hif-1α is transcriptionally upregulated in cll cells - blood journal.ppt

hif-1α is transcriptionally upregulated in cll cells - blood journal.ppt

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hif-1α is transcriptionally upregulated in cll cells - blood journal

HIF-1α regulates the interaction of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with the tumor microenvironment by Roberta Valsecchi, Nadia Coltella, Daniela Belloni, Manfredi Ponente, Elisa ten Hacken, Cristina Scielzo, Lydia Scarfò, Maria Teresa Sabrina Bertilaccio, Paola Brambilla, Elisa Lenti, Filippo Martinelli Boneschi, Andrea Brendolan, Elisabetta Ferrero, Marina Ferrarini, Paolo Ghia, Giovanni Tonon, Maurilio Ponzoni, Federico Caligaris-Cappio, and Rosa Bernardi Blood Volume 127(16):1987-1997 April 21, 2016 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology HIF-1α regulates genes involved in chemotaxis and cell adhesion in CLL. (A) Relative expression of HIF-1α and common HIF-1α target genes in MEC-1 cells upon HIF-1α stable silencing (shHIF-1α) with respect to control cells (shCTRL). Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:1987-1997 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology HIF-1α silencing inhibits SDF-1-mediated chemotaxis and adhesion to stroma in CLL. (A) SDF-1α-mediated migration of MEC-1 cells is inhibited upon chronic silencing of HIF-1α cells (shHIF-1α) compared with control cells (shCTRL). Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:1987-1997 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology HIF-1α inhibition impairs BM homing and BM and spleen colonization. Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:1987-1997 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology EZN-2208 treatment recapitulates HIF-1α silencing. Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:1987-1997 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology HIF-1α inhibition affects BM and spleen colonization in mouse CLL and promotes ex vivo cell mobilization. Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:1987-1997 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology HIF-1α is transcriptionally upregulated in CLL cells upon coculture with stromal cells. Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:1987-1997 ?2016 by American Society of Hematology HIF-1α expression is variable and correlates with HIF-1α target genes in CLL patients. Roberta Valsecchi et al. Blood 2016;127:


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