混合遗产地的建筑分区控制及其设计原则 - 水土保持研究.PDF

混合遗产地的建筑分区控制及其设计原则 - 水土保持研究.PDF

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混合遗产地的建筑分区控制及其设计原则 - 水土保持研究

12 4 . 12 . 4 Vo l N o 2005 8 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Conserv ation A ug. , 2005 ——以风景名胜区为例 宋 峰 , 10087 1) : , : , : ; ; ; : F 590 . 3: A : 1005-3409 2005) 04-00 30 -0 3 The Approaches to Resol ve the Contradiction Between the Architecture and Mixed Properti es Preservation SON G F eng D ep artment of City and R eg ional P lann ing , P ek ing Univ er sity , B eij ing 100871, Ch ina) Abstract: Via the a nalysis of our M ix ed Pr operties- landscape and f amou s scenery , the autho r puts for w ard t he appr oaches t o reso lv e the contr adict ion betw een t he a rchitectur e a nd M ix ed Pr operties pr eser v atio n . Such as : keeping its r easonable zo ning in it s master plan , bringing fo rw ar d the g uidelines abo ut ar chitecture designing in our M ixed P ro perties sites : heritag e preser - vation , eco lo gy conserv atio n , natural beauty, and local culture , and so o n . Key words: M ix ed Pr opert ies; landscape and f amou s scener y; zo ning ; guideline , , , , , 10 2001 12 , , ; , , , ! , , , , ; , , ; , , , , , ; , , , , , , ; ,


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