模拟人生3终生幸福奖励(Sims 3 lifetime happiness Awards).doc

模拟人生3终生幸福奖励(Sims 3 lifetime happiness Awards).doc

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模拟人生3终生幸福奖励(Sims 3 lifetime happiness Awards)

模拟人生3终生幸福奖励(Sims 3 lifetime happiness Awards) Bonus points results Complimentary Entertainment 5, Free, Theater, visits Recreational waiters are free to participate in recreational activities in the community, for example Film Discount Diner 5 Cheaper food Its a bit cheaper for diners to eat out Fast Metabolism 5, Dont, get, fat, through, eating Fast metabolism doesnt make you fat because you eat too much Legendary Host 5, Everybody, shows, up, at, your, parties And, have, a, great, time The legend host has the party you hosted and everyone who invites you will come The parties are wonderful Observant 5, Learn, traits, from, other, Sims, faster Observant and able to discover other peoples traits more quickly Office Hero 5, Better, relations, at, work, with Colleagues Office hero, your conversation in the office will be all the same before Effect! Colleagues are very happy to stay with you Professional Slacker 5, Can, stay, home, without, losing, job Professional laziness can be lazy at work and not found by the boss Speedy Cleaner 5, Clean, up, twice, as, fast Rapid removal of dirt and fast cleaner double family evil soap bubbles Bookshop Bargainer 10 Cheaper books Bookstore regulars can discount books at the bookstore Change Lifetime Wish 10 Can change Lifetime wish Changing your life expectancy can change your life expectancy, but only in anticipation Before it is finished Fertility Treatment 10, More, chance, of, twins, and, triplets Grand Slam increases your chances of pregnancy, and twins or triplets The odds are high. Multi-Tasker 10, Become, better, at, your, job/homework Superhuman powers to save energy Never Dull 10, Sims, always, find, your, jokes, funny And conversations interesting Never dull Sims are always fond of listening to you and repeating them Interaction wont be boring Opportunistic 10, Bigger, rewards, for, opportunities Speculation completes opportunities and receives better rewards and rewards Steel Bladder 10, Never, have, to, pee, again Iro


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