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2004 12 37 6 Chin J Neurol, December 2004, Vol 37, No. 6 507 徐评议 刘卫彬 张成 梁秀龄 黎锦如 钱采 杨海华 李才明 4 , : 20~ 60 , 2002 6 2003 4 , , , , , , 3 , 2 ( ) , , , , ; Clinical characteristics of unidentified encephalitis with tumor-like symptoms X U Ping-y i, LI U Wei- bin, ZHA N G Cheng, L IA N G Xiu-ling, L I Jing-ru, QIA N Cai-y un, YA N G H ai-hua, LI Cai-ming . De art ment of N eurology, The First Af f iliated H os ital of Sun Yat-sen Univ ersity, Guangz hou 510080 , China Abstract Objective To analyse 4 cases wit h tumor-li e symptoms in clinical characterist ics of the unidentified encephalit is as to achieving early diagnosis of the disease. Methods Combination of a clinical retrospect ive analysis with anatomy pathological data w as used. Results T he major clinical manifestat ion of the unidentified encephalitis were as follow ing: nervous dysfunction started subacutely at 20-60 years, no seasonal infectious feature, low fever or not in some cases, and progress in intracranial hypertension which w as improved when proceeded w ith mannitol treatment . There w ere no seizures and slight disturbances of consciousness though having dysphrenia symptom. Large multiple lesions could be observed in brain ( mostly in w hite matter) and brain stem through imaging examination, and virus-li e substance could be detected by pathological examination and no positive effects be observed on ant-i virus t herapy. Conclusion It suggests that the unidentified encephalitis in case with fever and progress intracranial hypertension when t heir imaging data remain high should be alerted. Key words Encephalitis; Diagnosis , ( virus encephalitis) , [ 1-3] 1 , 53 , 6 , , , , 1 2002 ; , 6 , ,


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