
裸花紫珠片急性毒性及长期毒性研究 - 中国热带医学.pdf

裸花紫珠片急性毒性及长期毒性研究 - 中国热带医学.pdf

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裸花紫珠片急性毒性及长期毒性研究 - 中国热带医学

2002 2 4  CHINA T ROPICAL MEDICINE Vol .2 No .4 Stptember 2002                      4 47   文章编号:1009-9727 (2002)04-0447-03 [] 曾祥周 符 健 邝少轶 王世雄 摘要 目的 观察裸花紫珠片对动物的急性、 期毒性, 为临床安全用药提供依据。 方法 急性毒性试验用小 鼠灌胃给药, 测定其最大耐受量(MTD)。 期毒性试验, 大鼠分为2.5g ·kg-1 及1.25g ·kg-1给药组和羧甲基纤维素钠 (CMC-Na)对照组, 灌胃给药, 连续28d。 于第28d 及停药后7d 观察大鼠的饮食、体重、血象、肝肾功能、各脏器系数及 脏器病理学检查等指标。 结果 灌胃给药的MTD60g ·kg-1。 各组无动物死亡, 动物外观、体重增 、摄食量、血象、 肝肾功能均未见异常, 各脏器系数及脏器病理学检查未见改变。 结论 裸花紫珠片临床口服用药安全范围较大。 关键词 裸花紫珠片;急性毒性; 期毒性. 中图分类号:R965.3  文献标识码:A Studies onAcute and Long-term Toxicity of Luohuazizhu Tablet.ZENGXiang-zhou, FUJian, KUANGShao-yi, et al.Dept.of Pharmacological, Hainan edical College, Haikou 571101, HainanProvince, P.R.China. Abstract Objective Acute and Long-term tox c ty of Luohuaz zhu Tablet (LHZZT)n an mals were observe to prov de the ba- s s of the saf ety of cl n cal use of LHZZT.Methods Acute tox c ty w as tested by ntragastr c feed ng (g)to m ce, and MTD was de- -1 -1 term ned.In long-term tox c ty test, rats d v ded nto 2.5g ·kg , 1.25g ·kg dosage groups and CMC-Na control group were g ven LHZZT by g for 28 consecut ve days.D ets, body w e ght ga n, hematolog cal exam nat on, b ochem cal blood test and pathology were nvest gated.Results MTD of g w as h gher than 60g ·kg-1.In long-term tox c ty test, no an mal was dead, the an mals had normal d ets and ncrease body w e ght, and no changes w ere observed n hematolog cal exam nat on, b ochem cal blood test and pathology after adm n strat on for 28 days and restorat on stage of 7 days.Conclusion It s safety to take LHZZT for cl n cal oral adm n strat on. Key ords Luohuaz zhu tablet;acute tox c ty;long-term tox c ty.   (LHZZT)、 。 。  8 ,


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