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提 要 目的:观察苍虎麦冬甘草汤颗粒剂治疗阴虚夹积证小儿厌食症的临床疗效,从多 角度探讨其机理,为小儿厌食症的中医药治疗提供有效可行的方法。方法:将60例阴 虚夹积证厌食症患儿随机分为两组,其中治疗组30例给予苍虎麦冬甘草汤颗粒剂口服 治疗,对照组30例给予化积口服液口服治疗,疗程均为21天。根据体征、症状的改善 情况评分,进行统计学分析,评价药物的有效性。结果:在主要症状及体征的改善方 面及总有效率方面,治疗组优于对照组,有统计学意义。结论:苍虎麦冬甘草颗粒剂 对阴虚夹积证小儿厌食症有较好的临床疗效。 关键词 苍虎麦冬甘草颗粒剂;阴虚夹积证;小儿厌食症;疗效观察 Clinical Resarch on the Treatment of Infantile Anorexia of the yin xu jia ji syndrome with Cang hu mai dong gan cao Decoction Speciality: Digestive Diseases, Pediatrics Medicine of TCM. Author: zhang Jing Tutor: Professor Cui Wencheng Abstract Objective: The purpose of this task is to observe Infantile Anorexia which is diarrhea due to the yin xu jia ji syndrome used by the treatment with Cang hu mai dong gan cao Decoction in order to determine the efficacy of Chinese medicine. Methods: 60 infants of the yin xu jia ji syndrome anorexia were divided into 2 groups randomly, the treatment group and the control group. Both of them were treated for 21 days. The infants in the study group were treated with Cang hu mai dong gan cao Decoction and that in the control group were treated with Hua ji kou fu ye.The symptoms and signs of the infants were observed before and after the treatments and the date must be processed using statistical. Results: In the main symptoms and signs of improvement and total efficiency, the treatment group is better than the control group, and there are statistically significant. Conclusion: This shows that Infantile anorexia which is diarrhea due to the hurting yin of stagnation of heat used by the treatment with cang hu mai dong gan cao Decotion is effective,low-cost, and less side effect. Also it is worth promoting treatment. Key words Cang h



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