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Unit 4 Wildlife protection;1.重点单词拼写;5) The hotel bill c    every fee, i    the broken glass.;10) In a way, knowledge is a kind of p    arm.;3) His     remarks     that we perhaps could ask John for his     . (suggest);7) The    affair for you to do is to find a good job    . (recent);短语习得;短语习得;短语习得;2) I hope this technical method can    our daily life.;【答案】were concerned about;重点句型;重点句型;重点句型;1. As a result, many of them have died out. (P25)  【词语辨析】die out/die off/die down/ die away die out=come to a complete end“熄灭、绝种(迹)”。 The lights died out suddenly. 电灯突然间熄灭了。 Many old customs are gradually(逐渐地)dying out. 许多老风俗渐渐消亡了。 die off 先后死去,一一死去。 The leaves of this plant are dying off.这植物的叶子在凋落中。 die down 渐渐熄灭,渐渐平息 The fire is dying down. Please get more coal.火要灭了,请再加点煤。 die away “逐渐消失、平息” The sound has died away. 声音逐渐消失了。;2. About 30-60 after being left in peace with no hunting (P25) leave “听任其在某处;使保持某状态”,用于 “ leave+ 宾语+形容词 / 分词 / 不定式等”以及短语 leave... alone (不理会;不管)。如: The teacher left little Tom standing all the time.    老师让小汤姆一直站着。 Leave him to do it himself.    让他自个儿去做这件事吧。 leave还有以下用法: 1) 离开;退出 leave some place (离开某地) leave for some place (离开到某地) leave school (退学) 【特别提示】school leaver 指“毕业生”;2) 遗留;遗忘 通常用于如下结构中: leave +宾语+地点 I left my English book at home once more. 我又一次把英语书遗落在家里。  The little baby was left at home. 那小孩被留在家里。 3) 留下;剩下(可以带双宾语) His only relative died,leaving him nothing.  他唯一的亲人死了,什么也没给他留下。 leave word (留信息) leave a message (留言;留口信) 4) 作为名词使用时:准假;休假;假期 ask for ( a ) leave (请假) a sick leave of (病假);【特别提示】分词 left 作定语时,要放在所修饰的词后面,如果要用前置定语,则可以使用 remaining.如:  Don’t hurry,there are ten minutes left.  不要着急,还有十分钟。 3. Why are they in danger of disappearing? (P25)  in danger of:处于……危险之中 【词汇网络】类似的“in+名词+of”短语: 1) in advance of 在……之先,胜过  2) in behalf of 代表,为了……的利益  3) in case of 如果……发生,如遇到……  4) in charge of 看护,管理  5) in course of 正在……之中; 6) in consequence of ……的结果,由于  7) in defence of 保


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