人教版必修5:unit 2 the united kingdom.ppt

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人教版必修5:unit 2 the united kingdom

Hot Links; warming up vocabulary;What is the full name of the UK?;Step 2 Warming Up;1.How many countries does the UK consist of?;2.How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport? (direct flight);3. Who rules the UK: the Prime Minster or the Queen?;4. What are the provinces called in England?;5. Which is the longest river in England?;;Big Ben 大本钟 ;Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 ;Royal Observatory Greenwich 格林威治天文台 ;Tower Bridge 塔桥 ;Hyde Park 海德公园;Stonehenge 巨石阵 ;Who rules the country: the Prime Minister or the Queen?; Which is the longest river in England?;Thames;Oxford ;What are the provinces called in England? A. counties B. departments. C. states;Vocabulary building;It is a _____ palace.;the Union Jack;Guangzhou is a __________ city in China;Roman;collection;Anglo-Saxon;wedding;What are they doing?;uniform;statue;pot;The car __________ when they went to the downtown.;What are they doing? They are ___________.;If you take the plane or metro to go other places,it is very ___________.;1.to make or become an integrated whole or a unity; combine 2.. to make or become clear or easy to understand 3. to conclude successfully; complete 4.To absorb one’s attention by clearly visible behavior or Appearance 5. an angry disagreement; argument 6. make plans in advance or put in order 7. bend one part of a thing back over on itself 8. to take great pleasure (in) 9.Excite 10.pleasurable;clarify;unwilling;Convenience ;attract ;possibility;arrange;Puzzles in Geography;Task1:divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.;;What can we infer from the second part of the passage? A. The Midland and North of England have some historical attractions. B. The Midland and North of England have famous football teams. C. The Midlands and North of England have most of the population. D. The South of England is the most developed part.;Part 1-Geography;Part 1-History; The Union


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