annuity evaluation service - annuity assist(年金服务u2014u2014年金协助评估).pdf

annuity evaluation service - annuity assist(年金服务u2014u2014年金协助评估).pdf

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annuity evaluation service - annuity assist(年金服务u2014u2014年金协助评估)

h e Annuity Evaluation Service 5525 NW Fisher Creek Dr. Camas, WA 98607 Phone: 888-886-8546 F ISHER I NVESTMENTS® Guaranteed lifetime income can be excellent for securing a comfortable retirement. However, it should be simple, transparent and consistent with an investor’s longer-term investment objectives. Annuities can of er lifetime income but are complex and can also be wrought with pitfalls. Fisher Investments doesn’t sell annuities because we believe they are seldom in the best interests of an investor. When used as retirement insurance, annuities can i ll a role of transferring some risk from the investor to an insurance company. But when sold (or bought) as the primary investment vehicle, the long-term outcomes can range from disappointing to downright dangerous. Over the years, we have helped investors evaluate thousands of annuity policies. In many cases, we’ve found that they aren’t a good i t to achieve investors’ longer-term goals. In response to the frequency with which we see annuities failing to fuli ll investors’ goals, we have developed an Annuity Evaluation service. A service specii cally designed to educate investors about annuities they own, or are considering, help them dif erentiate contracts that i t their needs from those that don’t, and identify potential drawbacks. The three-step guided exploration of an annuity contract can range from simple Morningstar summaries and product category generalizations to detailed contract-specii c investigations including one or more calls to the annuity company. We can work with you to determine what type of evaluation you seek, and we’ll take the lead in gathering the information for evaluation. Our fact-i nding and analysis can of er insights to income, fees and penalties, death benei ts and much more. Ultimately you may i nd peace of mind in your annuity strategy, or decide that it’s time for a change. If you decide that it’s time for a change, we help make th



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