田径场地设计布局和画法步骤(Design, layout and drawing steps of track and field).doc

田径场地设计布局和画法步骤(Design, layout and drawing steps of track and field).doc

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田径场地设计布局和画法步骤(Design, layout and drawing steps of track and field)

田径场地设计布局和画法步骤(Design, layout and drawing steps of track and field) Design, layout and drawing steps of track and field I. design and layout of track and field sites The track and field have two categories: standard and nonstandard. According to the IAAF rules and standard site should meet the following conditions: Circumference 400 meters. Runway at least 6, the conditions permit, there should be 8-10 lanes. If each at least 1.22 meters wide, 1.25 m wide. All lane widths are 5 cm. The maximum left and right slope of the runway shall not exceed l:100, and the downward slope in the running direction shall not exceed l:1000. For any firm, uniform quality, can withstand the shoes can be used to track and field sports ground. Although the rules of track and field shape is not as clearly defined, but as mentioned earlier, semicircular track and field international is one of the best, so the perimeter of 400 meters of semicircular track is the standard track IAAF allowed. Nonstandard track and field has two main points: first, less than 400 meters in circumference. The two is the shape, not the semi-circular track and field. Of course, the number of tracks and width of track on nonstandard track and field are determined according to the area of the ground. Such sites often appear in schools, factories, rural areas, troops and other grass-roots units. In order to adapt to the mass sports activities and track and field sports needs, and in situ design of small track and field. The circumference of nonstandard track and field is 200 meters, 250 meters, 300 meters, 350 meters and so on. (1) criteria for standard track and field; 1, 36 meters radius of 400 meters semicircle track and field This site is a radius of 36 meters, 85.96 meters long straight section, a total length of 228.08 meters a bend bend, 114.04 meters long, 6 - runway 8, road width of 1.22 meters or 1.25 meters. Many cities in China are in this type of track and field. It is straight and has a radius of 36 mete



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