地面气象观测规范技术问题综合解答(第1号)(Comprehensive explanation of technical questions for surface meteorological observation (No. first)).doc

地面气象观测规范技术问题综合解答(第1号)(Comprehensive explanation of technical questions for surface meteorological observation (No. first)).doc

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地面气象观测规范技术问题综合解答(第1号)(Comprehensive explanation of technical questions for surface meteorological observation (No. first))

地面气象观测规范技术问题综合解答(第1号)(Comprehensive explanation of technical questions for surface meteorological observation (No. first)) Comprehensive explanation of technical problems in surface meteorological observation standard (No. first) Monitoring network division of China Meteorological Administration 1, the national basic station and general station, in the manual and automatic station parallel observation period, the timing observation record, when the measurement method can refer to the reference station processing Answer: yes. That is, the artificial observation record and the similar observation record of the automatic weather station can replace each other. 2, automatic weather stations 2 minutes and 10 minutes, when the average wind is missing, can you replace each other? Answer: can not. This principle is also followed when automatic station records are replaced by manual station records. 3. How can the water vapor pressure and dew point temperature be replaced by automatic station recording at the artificial observation station, and the humidity records are missing? Answer: when the relative humidity and temperature of artificial observation, with artificial observation Chaqiude anti water vapor pressure and dew point temperature; if the relative humidity is missing, vapor pressure, relative humidity and dew point with all the records instead of automatic station, if the temperature is missing, the relative humidity is missing, then the water vapor pressure and dew point of use the automatic station records instead, and indicate in the note column, this allows the air temperature and relative humidity checking inconsistencies. 4, automatic weather station, due to extreme abnormal effects of daily extreme picking, how to deal with? Answer: if one always extreme abnormal, and the influence on the extreme value selected, always value missing, if can judge the daily extreme does not appear in this time, the day from the time when the other extreme normal records were



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