基于ansys vwrite和vread命令输出和读入数据(转载)(Based on ANSYS, vwrite, and vread commands, output and read data (Reprinted)).doc

基于ansys vwrite和vread命令输出和读入数据(转载)(Based on ANSYS, vwrite, and vread commands, output and read data (Reprinted)).doc

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基于ansys vwrite和vread命令输出和读入数据(转载)(Based on ANSYS, vwrite, and vread commands, output and read data (Reprinted))

基于ansys vwrite和vread命令输出和读入数据(转载)(Based on ANSYS, vwrite, and vread commands, output and read data (Reprinted)) The *VWRITE command is used to output arrays, numerical arguments, character arguments, or constants into the file. It can write 19 parameters at a time, using the command, followed by the next line must be FORTRAN77 format of the provisions of the order for the output format provisions behind *VWRITE parameters (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X, D8.2) etc.). Note: this operation cannot be performed through the ANSYS command input window, but can only be run through external files.. The array vector specifies the starting element position (such as MYARRAY (1,2,1)). Expressions can be used to calculate the location of each row in the data file. The keyword SEQU starts with 1 and writes a consecutive integer column. The use of the *vwrite command is as follows: *VWRITE, Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5, Par6, Par7, Par8, Par9, Par10, Par11, Par12, Par19, Par13, Par14, Par15, Par18, Par16, Par17, a. The PAR1 to par19 is the 19 parameter or constant written in sequence, and a null value represents the ignore, and all ignore the output blank line. Data that is allowed to write includes constants, variables, and arrays, including numeric and character data. Before *vwrite, you need to use a data file opened by *cfopen to represent the following, and to input all the data written by *vwrite between *cfopen and *cfclos into the data file. The format of the *cfopen command: *cfopen, fname, ext, - loc Where: fname is the file name with the path (both allow up to 250 characters in length), the default path is the working directory, and the file name defaults to jobnmae. Ext is the extension of the file (at most 8 characters in length). If fname is empty, then the extension defaults to cmd. -- indicates that the domain is a range that is not needed. When LOC is used to determine that an open file already exists, the default is to write data to the file in overlay mode and set i


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