《马克思的自然概念》的文本解读(笔谈)(The text interpretation of Marxs concept of nature (on the)).doc

《马克思的自然概念》的文本解读(笔谈)(The text interpretation of Marxs concept of nature (on the)).doc

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《马克思的自然概念》的文本解读(笔谈)(The text interpretation of Marxs concept of nature (on the))

《马克思的自然概念》的文本解读(笔谈)(The text interpretation of Marxs concept of nature (on the)) Schmidt Marxs concept of nature interpretation of the text (written) 1 note 2 Alfred # (Schmidt, 1931-) is the second generation of the Frankfurt School of the left-wing representative in May 19, 1931, Schmidt was born in the German capital of Berlin during the period of 1957-1961, Schmidt at the University of Frankfurt studying philosophy sociology and history! On 1960, in his guidance, he completed 5 entitled Marxs concept of nature, 6 the paper then taught at the University of Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Institute of labor in 1972, the representative of the Frankfurt School of social institute as Schmidts works are: 5 the concept of nature of Marx 6 (1960)! 5 Nietzsche recognizing dialectics on the 6 (1963 5)! Kant and Hagel 6 (1964) 5 Lefebver! And the modern interpretation of Marx 6 (1966 6)! 5 ideology of the industrial society (1967)! 5 critique of epistemology Concept 6 (1968 5)! The history and structure of 6 (1971) on the number 5! Sentence of 6 theories (1974) 5! What is the materialism 6 (1975 5)! As the historical philosophy of critical theory (6 1976)! 5 concept and the will of the world 6 (1988), 5 articles here, from different angles analyzed the theories and methods of 5 Marxs concept of nature 6 a Book of the Zhang Yibing this paper mainly inquire about Schmidt theory, re examines the relationship of Marxs philosophy and Economics Section of Le Fang reveals Schmidt elucidation of Marx / 0 natural concept contains dual logic of historical materialism and old materialism ontology, Zhang Jinpengs article on this dual identification logic is Schmidt Marxs political economics to understand the loss of theoretical consequences of this important part of the relations of production brought about by the rock and Yan Xia fan of the article is the analysis of Schmidt / materialism 0 general understanding and Special understanding of Schmidt Marxs new materialism that made the con


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