一个个校园小笑话!学校越来越不靠谱了!(A school joke! Schools are getting worse!).doc

一个个校园小笑话!学校越来越不靠谱了!(A school joke! Schools are getting worse!).doc

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一个个校园小笑话!学校越来越不靠谱了!(A school joke! Schools are getting worse!)

一个个校园小笑话!学校越来越不靠谱了!(A school joke! Schools are getting worse!) At 12 last night, I was sleeping in the dormitory. My cell phone rang and I couldnt help answering. Who? Im in the bathroom and give me some toilet paper, said the phone. I said, its too late today, tomorrow.. Then I hung up the phone. 1, on the Chinese class, the teachers cell phone rang, he went out to answer the phone. One of the boys in the class said, it must have been his lover.. The teacher came back and said to the boy, your mother called to say that she wont pick you up this evening.. 2, the teacher especially likes taking the self-study course to attend their own class, especially a Chinese female teacher. Once, the woman teacher occupied the self-study class, ready to begin class, and found a male teacher at the door, is to teach history, has been there, probe, seems to want to come in, and embarrassed to come in. So the woman teacher said to the boy teacher, cant you get on? You want me to let you on! 3, in the University, from the school to the supermarket to go out on the road, always sprang from the alley selling porn vendor, see you in the past and asked: buddies, to porn? We were disgusted, and later also used, one of my friends and girlfriend to play back there too, especially depressed, said to be sold piece of harassment, we wonder, this man said that a good result of hawkers pulled him to ask: elder brother, a shot? 4, teacher: look at your exam results, why cant improve? Student: I didnt ask you to teach well. Why did you ask me to do well in the exam? Thats not the law of equal exchange.. It is not I want to teach you, but too. 5, the dormitory has 3 beds, lived two people, I live on the left most, I usually sleep snoring. The man in the middle is not used to it. Yesterday, there was another man in the dormitory, sleeping on the far right, and the guy was snoring. I asked the man in the middle. What does it feel like? He said, its stereo now. It feels much better than before.! 6, h


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