基于VC__Net与Matlab的燃油调节器仿真(Simulation of fuel regulator based on VC__Net and Matlab).doc

基于VC__Net与Matlab的燃油调节器仿真(Simulation of fuel regulator based on VC__Net and Matlab).doc

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基于VC__Net与Matlab的燃油调节器仿真(Simulation of fuel regulator based on VC__Net and Matlab)

基于VC__Net与Matlab的燃油调节器仿真(Simulation of fuel regulator based on VC__Net and Matlab) This article is contributed by Bachler Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Volume twelfth, phase twenty-second article number: 1006-9348 (2005) 12 - 0041 - 04 Computer simulation December 2005 The simulation of VC + +. Net and TLAB M a based on fuel control Raymond Lam, Ma Jing, Wang Yonggen (School of power and energy engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shaanxi, Xian 710072) Abstract: This paper describes how to use VC + +. N ET and M atlab design and development of a certain type of fuel regulator simulation software. The simulation system with VC + +. Based on the mixed programming of N, ET and M atlab, the four layer system model of software design is put forward to reduce the coupling between modules Optimize the configuration of software to improve the integration and ease of use. The system uses VC + +. N ET development framework and user interface, the regulator model Sim u link modeling and M files, M atlab as background data processing and graphical display, front and rear modules through the M atlab engine for data communication. Simulation results table The method provided by this invention is fast, intuitive, easy to use and maintain, and has good application value. Key words: mixed programming; fuel regulator; simulation software; data communication; CLC number: TP391. 9; document identification code: A Fue L A djustor S I ula t ion Ba sed on VC NET and M A TL + +. A B M GOU, L, in - Feng, M, a, J, ing, WAN, G, Yong - gen A BSTRACT: The P ape r desc Ribes how to u se VC N ET and M + +. Atlab to deve lop SIM ula tion softw a re ba sed on m ixed P rogramm ing w ith fue L adjusto r charac te ristic s Then it p uts fo rward a fou r layer a rchitectu re mode l fo R deduc the coup ling. Ing of modu Le s, inc reasing the in tegration and simp licit



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