学生-课程数据库(Student course database).doc

学生-课程数据库(Student course database).doc

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学生-课程数据库(Student course database)

学生-课程数据库(Student course database) SQL query review questions New students - three tables of the course database: Student table: Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept) Sno as the main code; Courses: Course (Cno, Cname, Cpno, Credeit) Cno based code; Student elective form: SC (Sno, Cno, Grade), Sno, Cno, main yards; Student No. Sno name Sname sex Ssex age Sage Department Sdept 95001 Li Yongnan 20CS 95002 Liu Chen female 19IS 95003 Wang Minnv 18MA 95004 Zhang Linan 19IS Course number Sno course name Cname advance lesson Cpno credits Credit 1 database 54 2 math 2 3 information systems 14 4 operating system 63 5 data structure 74 6 data processing 2 7Pascal language 64 Course: SC: No. Sno course number Cno scores Grade Ninety-five million one thousand one hundred and ninety-two Ninety-five million one thousand two hundred and eighty-five Ninety-five million one thousand three hundred and eighty-eight Ninety-five million two thousand two hundred and ninety Ninety-five million two thousand three hundred and eighty A: query the columns and rows in the table 1: inquires the names and names of all the students Sele, SnO, sname, from, student 2: inquires all students name, number and department. Sele, SnO, sname, sdept, from, student 3: queries all students for detailed records Sele * from student 4: queries all students for their names and year of birth Sele, SnO, sage, from, student 5: inquires the names of all students, the year of birth and the Department in which they are used. The lower case letters are used to indicate the name of the Department 6: inquiries for students enrolled in the course number Sele, SnO, CNO, from, SC The 7: query takes the names of the students in the course Sele, distinct, sname, from, student, SC, where, student.sno=sc.sno Two: conditional inquiry: Commonly used query terms Query conditional predicates Comparison of , , = =, =,! =, , !; Not+ the comparison operator Determine ranges Between, and, Not, between, And, Determine collection IN,



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