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employment n. [U] work that you are paid regularly to do for a person or company 职业;工作 in employment:being employed 有工作的,在业的 e.g. 21.7% of all those in employment were in part-time jobs. full employment: a situation in which everyone has a job 全面就业 e.g. Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal. 许多经济学家认为全面就业是不现实的目标。 Word family: employ v. employer n. employee n. Words Phrases 所有的在职人员中只有21.7%从事兼职。 prospect n. v. 1) n. 1. (~s) chances of success, especially in a job or career 胜算;(尤指工作和事业方面)成功的可能性 e.g. I had no job, no education, and no prospects. 我没有工作,没受过教育,前途渺茫。 2. [U,C] the possibility that something will happen, especially something good (尤指好事发生的)可能性 e.g. The prospects for employment in the technology sector are especially good right now. 当前技术部门的就业机会极好。 Words Phrases 2) vi. 1. search for gold, oil, or another valuable substance 勘探(金矿,石油等) e.g. They went there to prospect for gold. 他们去那儿勘探金矿。 2. look for something, especially business opportunities 寻找(商业机会) e.g. The salesmen are prospecting for new customers. 销售员正在寻找新的顾客。 Words Phrases affordability n. the extent to which something is affordable, as measured by its cost relative to the amount that the purchaser is able to pay 平价,支付得起 affordable a. cheap enough for ordinary people to afford 买得起的 e.g. concert seats at affordable prices 买得起的音乐会门票 Word family: afford v. Words Phrases issue n. vt. 1) n. [C] a subject that people discuss or argue about, especially relating to society, politics etc. (值得关注的)问题,议题 2) vt. announce something, or give something to people officially 颁布;发给,分发 e.g. “The basic issue.” he says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how complex and skilled a task driving is.” (CET4-2003-09)



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