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考古2011年第8 期 o 李龙彬 樊圣英 李宇峰 : KEYWORDS: Liao Dynasty Tomb of Prin ess Pingyuan Epitaphs Xiao Zhong, the Consort of Imperial Prin ess ABSTRACT: T he three epitaphs of Xiao Jin , Xiao Min and Prin ess Pingyuan of the Liao Dynasty uneart hed in re ent years f rom the tom bs on Ulan Mut u M ountain in Bajiazi T ow nship, Fuxin Count , Liaonin show ed that these tom bs belon ed t o the emeter of Xiao Famil , t he im erial onsort y g g y y p lan of the Liao D nast . Based on t he e ita h of Prin ess Pin uan and referrin to t he e ita hs of Xiao y y p p gy g p p Jin and Xiao Min as w ell as ot her ins ri tion materials and hist ori lit erat ure, this a er studied and p p p dis ussed the life of Prin ess Pin uan, the out lined bio ra hies of t he an est ors of Xiao Zhon , the gy g p g husband of Prin ess Pingyuan and the hildren of Xiaozhong and Prin ess Pingyuan, and onfirm ed the relat ions amon Xiao Jin, Xiao Zhon , Xiao Min and Prin ess Pin uan. T hese studies rovided valuable g g gy p and reliable mat erials for t he resear h on the hist or of the im erial in-law s of t he Liao D nast . y p y y 一平原公主是圣宗长女 , , 1981 1 / [1] 0 , / ( 1029 ) , 1996 7 ( 1058 ) [ 2] , 2010 10 , 0 , /


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