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10 6 V ol . 10 , N o. 6
199 8 12 JO U RN A L O F IRON AN D S T EEL R ESEARC H Dec. 1998
邓 群 庄景云 杜金辉 黄 伟 杨 静
Effect of ColdDeformation andHeat Treatment on
Properties andMicrostructure of Alloy GH169
Deng Qun Zhuang J ingy un Du J inhu i H uang Wei Yang J ing
G H169 。
, ,、、;
, 、; ,
, 、、。
GH 169 , ,,,
ABSTRACT T he eff ec s o f cold defor ma io n a nd hea r ea men on he pro pe r ies
and micr os r uc ure o f a lloy G H169 ar e s udied. T he resul s indica ed ha he
s r eng h of a lloy inc reases, he duc ili y decr ea ses and he g rains ar e ref ined a s he
cold defo rma ion incr eases. W hen he co ld defo rma ion of a lloy G H169 w as direc ly
ag ed , h e s reng h o f allo y is on he hig hes lev el, he duc ili y decr ea ses appa ren -
ly. Af e r so lu io n and ag ing hea rea men , he co ld defo rma ion o f allo y G H169
has show n ha he s r eng h decr eases, he duc ili y incr ea ses and he g rains a re
coar sened as he empera ure of so lu io n is highe r.
169 , , , ,
EY WORDS allo y G H co ld defo rma ion hea r ea men micr os r uc ur e
pro per y
1 试验方法
。, 1. 1
, +
。 G H169 ,、 12 mm
169 、, ,(,) 1。
、, 1. 2
, X 12%、 18 %、33%
。 , 11. 2 mm、 10. 8 mm 8. 0 mm
G H169, ( CD) ,(
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