儿科统考题(Department of pediatrics).doc

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儿科统考题(Department of pediatrics)

儿科统考题(Department of pediatrics) Clinical specialty 200 1 level pediatrics examination questions (1 point, 40 points) A1 (best choice question one by one) Every problem has A, B.C.D. five blanks, problem statement for sure, when answering question just choose from five different answers one of the most suitable as the correct answer, and on paper the corresponding qid blackening the corresponding letter. 1 girl 4 months, because of fever, cough, asthma suppress 2 days in hospital, T 37.8 ℃, the alar incitement, [] weeks mild cyanosis, 3) obvious, both lungs with wheezing sound, rales, heart rate 144 / cent, WBC5. O x 10 / L, N 379 64% O, L, the disease diagnosis is most likely to consider A adenovirus pneumonia B C D staphylococcus aureus pneumonia mycoplasma pneumonia E pneumococcal pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia 2. The most common and meaningful symptom of the early morning disease of tuberculosis in children is A convulsion B paralysis C fever D mood changes E cough The birth of a newborn has a breath, a heartbeat, the bread is blue, the rescue should first A tap on the hip, stimulate breathing B respiratory stimulant C oxygen inhalation D artificial respiration E to absorb mucus, keep the airway smooth 4. 10 months, male, children with fever, coughing six days in hospital, check: T 37. C, shortness of breath, be agitated, oral complexion of cyanosis, double lung auscultation audible and wet rale, l70 beats per minute, low heart sounds dull, abdominal distension, liver right rib under 3. 5 cm, 4 cm sword, soft, has given oxygen, emergency treatment should be preferred A phenobarbital muscle B is taken orally from the statically uranine D and the scopolamine 5 children with male, 5 years old, one year has obvious edema, urinary protein 10 + +, RBC l - 2 / HP, treatment with adrenal cortical hormone improves, but drug withdrawal or deweighting relapse for many times, good soil should take what kind of treatment? A is an increase in the dose of B Ch



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