儿童常见病症(Common disease of children).doc

儿童常见病症(Common disease of children).doc

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儿童常见病症(Common disease of children)

儿童常见病症(Common disease of children) Notice of common symptoms of children 5435 byte lemon group 2007-4-12 23:08:07 published in the real estate portal - soufun proprietor BBS mommy baby owner BBS Acute fever: 1. The vast majority of children with acute fever is caused by respiratory problems, of which the most common viral cold, viral cold does not need to use antibiotics in theory, however, due to air quality and developed countries differ too much in China, late in the cold, easy to merge bacterial infections, especially within 5 years old children, then need to use antibiotics. If children if fever, but also pay attention to whether or not accompanied by other symptoms, if at the same time have a running nose, sneezing, eye conjunctival congestion, etc., so in general is a cold, if accompanied by cough, in the most early and the symptoms of a cold, cold fever time most children in 3 to 5 days, a few special virus infection, fever can to 5 to 7 days (such as herpangina), extreme to 10 days, the head of the cold fever 3 days, need not too care about, pay attention to control high fever is ok, dont need to use antibiotics of personal experience and fever for more than five days, should further diagnostic work-up, to rule out other problems, many pediatric diseases in the early days of fever is out of the diagnosis and the condition of the process itself is an important diagnostic basis (e.g., kawasaki disease), so early in the disease worry also useless Cold late if the cough is aggravating, should add with antibiotics, fever clinic for the first time, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics, but most dont need to use immediately, can according to the doctor to the diagnosis of disease judge for yourself. Now many doctors will tell parents after the examination, the child throat is a little red, or the lungs breath sounds a bit thick, actually these descriptions tend to show that the doctors physical examination did not find valuable problem (Shanghai children, ho



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