恢复视力法(500度以下)(Restoration of vision (less than 500 degrees)).doc

恢复视力法(500度以下)(Restoration of vision (less than 500 degrees)).doc

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恢复视力法(500度以下)(Restoration of vision (less than 500 degrees))

恢复视力法(500度以下)(Restoration of vision (less than 500 degrees)) Restore vision law (below 500 degrees) on Friday, December 03, 2010, set up the homepage to join the collection to help | message exchange | login page | | tags | excellent catalogue | member browse my library leisure · yiqing | art music beauty joke little game wallpaper scenery Health · health · health maintenance of | fitness food therapy for the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, healthy living · emotional | philosophical emotional home, maternal and baby food beauty and beauty treasure chest Social | reading humanities history society education working computer restored vision law (500 degrees below) xinhuayu The number of reading: 17 The source of the original text Welcome to the collection of xinhuayu personal library, want to collect this good article, hurry up, 1 minute have own personal library! I also want to collect the report if you post existing pornographic, violent, reactionary and other undesirable contents in this website, please fill in the following form to contact us: How to mark and add annotation to article? - Restoration of vision (less than 500 degrees) share Author: IF... I have been Shared four comments (0) to share and share reports - The way to restore vision doesnt need surgery Restore your vision (the pilots use it) for your eyes - Restore your vision for your eyes - Is myopia treatable? What can we do without laser surgery? - - 1. Faraway gaze: - Look for a grass or green tree 10 meters away: green because the wavelength is shorter, the imaging is in the retina, which causes the eye to relax, the eyes ciliary muscles relax, and reduce eye strain. Dont squint, dont blink, eliminate distractions, focus, focus intently for 25 seconds, identify grass or leaf Outlines. Then put your left palm slightly above your eye 30 cm, and see the palm lines from beginning to end for about 5 seconds. Look at the grass or leaves in the distance for 25 seconds after the palmprint, then


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