我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(I was born with a black skin. How to turn white).doc

我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(I was born with a black skin. How to turn white).doc

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我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(I was born with a black skin. How to turn white)

我 天生皮肤黑。该如何变白啊(I was born with a black skin. How to turn white) I was born black. How to turn white? Patient gender: male patient age: 20 Is there any way of saying that Im sorry! You cant answer your own questions. return Questioner: langman1788-2008-05-19 02:00 Evaluate the best answer and get your approval! The doctor answered that the skin color is an important symbol of bodybuilding. The black and white of the skin is related to the amount of melanin in the skin. Dietary adjustment can reduce the synthesis of melanin, which can help black skin turn white. (1) eat less tyrosin-rich foods. Because tyrosine is the base substance of melanin. In other words, melanin is transformed by tyrosine in the role of tyrosine enzymes. If tyrosine is consumed less, the base of synthetic melanin is less and the skin becomes white. Eat less tyrosin-rich foods such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. (2) eat more vitamin C foods. Chemical experiments show that the reaction of melanin is mostly oxidative, but when vitamin C is added, it can block the formation of melanin. Therefore, eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as sour dates, fresh dates, tomatoes, pears, oranges, fresh green leafy vegetables, etc. (3) eat foods rich in vitamin E. Modern scientific research proves that the vitamin E is an antioxidant in the human body, especially the antioxidants of fat, can inhibit the unsaturated fatty acid peroxide and other unstable compounds. The bodys lipochrome is the peroxide of unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin E has the effect of inhibiting their peroxidation, thus effectively resisting the deposition of lipofuscin on the skin and keeping the skin white. Vitamin E also has anti-aging effects. Foods rich in vitamin E include cabbage, cauliflower, sesame oil, sesame, sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, sunflower oil, etc. The whitening and whitening of the snow muscle is a yearly event, but it is the annual spring and summer that brings the greatest interest and attention. As a result, brands



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