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反复无常地球The recent Tsunami which devastated the coastal regions of the Indian Ocean reminded the human race of some very disturbing facts: we inhabit a very volatile planet, nowhere is entirely safe and despite our achievements in science and technology we still live ①at the mercy of nature. 将印度洋沿海地区毁于一旦的那次海啸事件使人类想起了一些心烦的现实:我们居住在一颗极不稳定的星球上,没有什么地方是彻底安全的,虽然我们取得了科技上的成就,但我们的生活依然处在自然的摆布之下。 Earthquakes Earthquakes are a shaking or trembling of the Earth’s crust caused by the release of huge stresses due to underground volcanic forces, the breaking of rock beneath the surface, or by sudden movement along an existing fault line. They can trigger other disasters such as landslides and Tsunamis. The magnitude of an earthquake is expressed on a recording device called a seismograph, using the Richter Scale. The Richter Scale has no upper limit (the biggest earthquakes so far have been around 9.5). Another scale used to describe earthquakes is the Modified Mercalli. It rates the amount of shaking felt and damage caused, and uses the Roman numerals I to XII. Warning Signs If you are in an earthquake prone area there are certain signs that indicate a quake is imminent. Watch for erratic behaviour in animals. Pets are known to become excited before an earthquake. Also pay attention to the water levels of rivers, lakes and the sea. Sudden abnormal changes in water levels is also a warning sign. What to do in an Earthquake 1. If indoors stay there. There could be falling debris outside. 2. Take cover under an internal door frame, sturdy table, bench or bed. 3. Keep away from windows, mirrors, chimneys, overhead fittings and tall furniture. 4. In high-rise buildings, stay clear of windows and outer walls. Get under a desk near a pillar or internal wall. Do not use elevators. 5. In crowded areas, do not rush for doors. Stay clear of roof and wall fittings. 6. If outside, keep well clear of buildings, walls, power lines, trees, etc. 7. In a city


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