英语八年级(下)Unit 1~Unit 3知识要点及中考考点链接.doc

英语八年级(下)Unit 1~Unit 3知识要点及中考考点链接.doc

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英语八年级(下)Unit 1~Unit 3知识要点及中考考点链接

英语八年级(下)Unit 1~Unit 3知识要点及中考考点链接Unit1 【知识要点1】 There will only be one country. 【要点分析】 在There be句型中,表示一般将来时态时,要用There will be ... 或There is going to be ...。 【中考链接】 There _______ thousands of volunteers serving in Beijing in August, 2008. (2008云南昆明) A. will have B. are going to have C. are D. will be 【知识要点2】 Will people use money in 100 years? 【要点分析】 介词in后面接表示一段时间的词语时,一般要与将来时连用。 【中考链接】 I hear that he will be back _____ two weeks time. (2008广东省) A. at B. in C. after D. for 【知识要点3】 There will be fewer people. There will be less free time. 【要点分析】 less是little的比较级,修饰不可数名词;fewer是few的比较级,修饰可数名词的复数形式。 【中考链接】 ―If there are ______ people driving, there will be ______ air pollution. ―Yes, the air will be fresher. (2008湖北咸宁) A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less 【知识要点4】 At the weekends, Ill be able to dress more casually. 【要点分析】 dress作“穿”讲,意思是“穿衣”,后面不能接表示衣服的词,但后面可接人作宾语。而wear与put on作“穿、戴”讲时,后面要接表示衣服的词,不可接人。 【中考链接】 ―Can you _______ your little brother? Im busy now. ―OK. I’ll do it right now. (2008湖北咸宁) A. wear B. put on C. dress D. in 【知识要点5】 There are many famous predictions that never came true. 【要点分析】 come true是一个固定短语,意思是“实现;达到”。 【中考链接】 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。每空限填一词。(2008甘肃兰州) 我希望去观看2008年北京奥运会,现在我的梦想实现了。 I wish to watch the 2008 Beijing Olympics. My dream has __________ _________ now. 【知识要点6】 However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. 【要点分析】 hundred与基数词连用时,要用单数形式;用复数形式时,后面要加of,前面不用数词。 【中考链接】 The man also wrote __________ of beautiful pieces of music for the orchestra. (2008天津市) A. hundred B. six hundred C. a hundred D. hundreds 【知识要点7】 After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. 【要点分析】 look for的意思是“寻找”,强调“找”的过程。 【中考链接】 My little dog is lost. All of my friends are helping me _______ it. (2008吉林省) A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like 【知识要点8】 That may not seem possible now, ... 【要点分析】 seem是一个不及物动词,意思是“好像、


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