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2017考研英语阅读经济学人文章:意大利政治绝佳机会 ?每年考研英语阅读篇章很多都取材于经济学人,因此2017年考研复习之初,一定要从基础打好,稳扎稳打。凯程网考研频道分享《经济学人》文章,希望大家能够多看、多练,提升阅读能力! 2017考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:意大利政治绝佳机会   Italian politics   意大利政治   A golden opportunity   绝佳机会   The split of Silvio Berlusconis party could boost thegoverning coalition   贝卢斯科尼政党的分裂将推动政治联盟   T WAS meant to be a christening, but it turned intoa funeral. On November 16th Silvio Berlusconi, a media tycoon, rebranded his party, the Peopleof Freedom (PdL). Henceforth it will be Forza Italia (Come on Italy), the name of his politicalvehicle before 2007 when he merged it with the more right-wing National Alliance to form thePdL. But the much-vaunted rebirth provided the occasion for a split. A faction loyal to theinterior minister, Angelino Alfano, stayed away from the relaunch congress. And on the sameday Mr Alfano, once the billionaire businessmans designated successor, announced a newgroup in parliament called the New Centre Right (NCD). This looks as if it will evolve into aseparate party.   字母T意味着一场宗教洗礼,但结果却是一场葬礼。在11月16号传媒大亨贝卢斯科尼重新命名了自己的政党人民自由党。因此人民自由党会改名为加油意大利,这个名字还是在2007年他与右翼国家联盟融合而形成自由人民党之前取的名字。但是这场声势浩大的更名事件成为了政党分裂的导火线。支持内政部长安杰利诺·阿尔法诺 (Angelino Alfano)的一些派系不支持重新召开国会。在同一日阿尔法诺这位曾经身为亿万商贾的既定继承人,宣布国会出现一个新的政党即新中右翼党。按发展形势看它将发展为一个独立的政党。   The split offers Enrico Lettas coalition a glittering opportunity to introduce the economicreforms that Italy urgently needs if its economy is to move ahead in the years to come at morethan a snails pace. The OECD this week predicted that unemployment (12.5% inSeptember), and debt as a proportion of GDP (133%) would both continue to rise, even asthe economy creeps out of recession next year.   人民自由党的分裂将给莱塔提供一个绝妙的机会来引进经济改革,如果意大利的经济不想在接下来的几年再以蜗牛的速度增长的话,这个经济改革是迫切需要的。本周经济合作与发展组织预测失业率(9月份是12.5%)和债务占GDP(133%)的比例将会持续增长,尽管明年经济会爬出衰退的困境。   Cohabitation between the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), to which Mr Letta belongs, and theNCD may never be easy. But the government will be able to get on with its job now withouthaving to worry that Mr


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