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Remote Sensing Interpretation of Structures and - 汉斯出版社.PDF

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Remote Sensing Interpretation of Structures and - 汉斯出版社

Advances in Geosciences 地球科学前沿, 2015, 5, 1-11 Published Online February 2015 in Hans. /journal/ag /10.12677/ag.2015.51001 Remote Sensing Interpretation of Structures and Metallogenic Features of Porphyry Copper Belt in Peru Xuepei Su, Guangming Gao School of Geosciences and Info-Phyics, Central South University, Changsha Hunan Email: th th th Received: Jan. 19 , 2015; accepted: Jan. 29 , 2015; published: Feb. 4 , 2015 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Peru, located at the central Andes, have developed favorable minerogenetic condition, due to the subduction of Nazca plate beneath the South American plate. Large copper mine in Peru is rela- tively concentrated. In this paper, we first review related literatures. Then through remote sens- ing interpretation, we systematically discuss deposit features and metallogenic conditions of the typical porphyry deposits, and further provide new exploring direction. Keywords Peru, Porphyry Coppers, Deposit Features, Metallogenic Conditions, Remote Sensing Interpretation, Structures 秘鲁斑岩铜矿带遥感构造解译 与成矿特征 苏学沛,高光明 中南大学,地球科学与信息物理学院,湖南 长沙 Email: 收稿日期:2015年1月19 日;录用日期:2015年1月29 日;发布日期:2015年2月4 日 1 秘鲁斑岩铜矿带遥感构造解译与成矿特征 摘 要 秘鲁地处南美安第斯山脉中段,由于受纳兹卡板块长期向南美板块下部俯冲作用的影响,成矿条件十分 优越。秘鲁大型铜矿相对集中,本文通过收集和整理相关文献以及实地考察,结合遥感构造解译,探讨 与总结该成矿带的典型斑岩矿床的矿床特征与成矿条件,并提出了找矿方向。 关键词 秘鲁,斑岩铜矿,矿床特征,成矿条件,遥感解译,构造 1. 引言 秘鲁属南美地区大国,位于太平洋东岸。北邻厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚,东与巴西和玻利维亚接壤,南 接智利,西濒太平洋,是南美洲国家联盟的成员国[1]。 纳兹卡板块从早侏罗纪开始向南美大陆板块俯冲形成的安第斯山脉贯穿秘鲁全境,


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