A Dynamic Thermal Management Circuit for (一个动态热管理电路).pdf

A Dynamic Thermal Management Circuit for (一个动态热管理电路).pdf

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A Dynamic Thermal Management Circuit for (一个动态热管理电路)

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 36, 175–181, 2003 c 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. A Dynamic Thermal Management Circuit for System-On-Chip Designs∗ HERMING CHIUEH,1,† JEFFREY DRAPER2 AND JOHN CHOMA, JR.2 1Department of Communication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu 30050, Taiwan 2Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA E-mail: chiueh@; draper@; johnc@ Received April 27, 2002; Revised December 12, 2002; Accepted January 25, 2003 Abstract. A novel fully integrated dynamic thermal management circuit for system-on-chip design is proposed. Instead of worst-case thermal management used in conventional systems, this design yields continual monitoring of thermal activity and reacts to specified conditions. With the above system, we are able to incorporate on-chip power/speed modulation and integrated multi-stage fan controllers, which allows us to achieve nominal power dissipation and ensure operation within specification. Both architecture and circuitry are optimized for modern system-on-chip designs. This design yields intricate control and optimal mangement with little system overhead and minimum hardware requirements, as well as provides the flexibility to support different thermal mangement algorithms. Key Words: thermal management, system-on-chip, VLSI system design 1. Introduction power and thermal management in personal computer


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