Advanced Microwave Millimeter-Wave Imaging (先进的微波毫米波成像).pdf

Advanced Microwave Millimeter-Wave Imaging (先进的微波毫米波成像).pdf

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Advanced Microwave Millimeter-Wave Imaging (先进的微波毫米波成像)

Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles Volume 2, S1019 (2007) Advanced Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology Zuowei SHEN, Lu YANG, N. C. LUHMANN, Jr., C. W. DOMIER, N. ITO1), Y. KOGI1), Y. LIANG, A. MASE1), H. PARK2) , E. SAKATA3) , W. TSAI, Z. G. XIA and P. ZHANG Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis, USA 1)Art, Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University, Japan 2)Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, USA 3)Kyushu Hitachi Maxell, Ltd, Japan (Received 2 December 2006 / Accepted 11 March 2007) Millimeter wave technology advances have made possible active and passive millimeter wave imaging for a variety of applications including advanced plasma diagnostics, radio astronomy, atmospheric radiometry, con- cealed weapon detection, all-weather aircraft landing, contraband goods detection, harbor navigation/ surveillance in fog, highway traffic monitoring in fog, helicopter and automotive collision avoidance in fog, and environmental remote sensing data associated with weather, pollution, soil moisture, oil spill detection, and monitoring of forest fires, to name but a few. The primary focus of this paper is on technology advances which have made possible advanced imaging and visualization of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluctuations and microturbulence in fusion plasmas. Topics of particular emphasis include frequency selective surfaces, planar Schottky diode mixer arrays, electronically controlled beam shaping/ steering arrays, and high power millimeter wave local oscillator and probe sources. c 2007 The Japan Society o


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