
transference 转义 (英语文体学要略).ppt

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transference 转义 (英语文体学要略)

4.2 Transference In literature, transference of meaning(转义) is the process whereby literary absurdity leads the mind to comprehension on a figurative plane. It refers to such traditional figures of speech as synecdoche, metonymy and metaphor. 4.2.1 Synecdoche (提喻) Synecdoche is a type of transference of meaning which involves the substitution of a part for the whole. In synecdoche, a part is used to represent the whole, the whole for a part, or the material for the thing from it. synecdoche a.部分和整体互代; b.以个体代替整个类; c.以材料代替事物。 ▲They are short of hands at the moment. workers, labourers or helpers ▲They share the same?roof. house ▲He is the Newton?of this century. scientist Return to her?... No, rather I abjure all roofs and choose… To be a comrade with the wolf and owl. (Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew) Here, roofs refer to whole houses or buildings. Wolf refers not to one particular wolf but to all the wolves and all beasts of prey and in the same way, owl refers to all the owls and all the birds of prey. Return to her?... No, rather I abjure all roofs and choose… To be a comrade with the wolf and owl. 回她那儿去?... 不,我宁愿抛弃所有屋子,而选择…… 与狼和猫头鹰为伍…… 4.2.2 Metonymy ( 转喻、换喻) Metonymy is a type of transference which involves the substitution of a word referring to an attribute of the thing that is meant, rather than the substitution of a part for the whole, or the whole for a part. It means a change of name. One word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated. metonymy ▲ I am reading Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s works ▲ The kettle boils. The water in the kettle ▲ He is fond of the bottle. Wine ▲ Grey hairs should be respected. Old people ▲ 迎面走来了三个“红领巾”。 少先队员 The glories of our blood and state, Are shadows, not substantial things; There is no armour against fate; Death lays his icy hand on kings; Sceptre and Crown Must tumble down And in


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