动态拓扑结构的无线传感器网络的一种稳健多路径路由协议Robust .PPT

动态拓扑结构的无线传感器网络的一种稳健多路径路由协议Robust .PPT

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动态拓扑结构的无线传感器网络的一种稳健多路径路由协议Robust .PPT

动态拓扑结构的无线传感器网络的一种稳健多路径路由协议 Robust multi-path routing for dynamic topology in wireless sensor networks 摘要 引言 引言 2.有限的马尔科夫信道模型 3.稳健的多路径路由协议 3.1特殊的泛洪方式以减少路由负载 3.2 选择节点断续路径 3.3数据传送和路线的错误处理 4. 性能评估 4.2 仿真结果 4.2 仿真结果 4.2 仿真结果 5. 结论 LOGO * LOGO * * Abstract:Wireless sensor networks are being widely researched and are expected to be used in several scenarios. On the leading edge of treads, ondemand, high-reliability, and low-latency routing p r o ~ oils desirable for indm environment applications.This article proposes a routing scheme called robust multi-path routing that establishes and uses multiple node-disjoint routes.Providing multiple routes helps to reduce the route recovery process and control the message overhead. The performance comparison of this protocol with dynamic source routing (DSR) by OPNET simulations shows that this protocol is able to achieve a remarkable improvement in the packet delivery ratio and average end-to-end delay. 无线传感器网络目前得到了广泛的研究以希望能广泛应用于不同的领域。具有领先地位,满足需求性,高可靠性,低延时性的路由协议是大家所希望的。 本文提出了一种叫做Robust multi-path routing(稳健的多路径路由)的路由协议,此协议建立和使用多个节点断续的路线。 提供多个路径有助于减少该路径恢复过程和控制信息的开销。由OPNET的模拟结果表明,本协议同动态源路由(DSR )的性能比较,本协议在信息包传送率和平均端到端的延迟上能够实现显着的改善。 The vision of Ubiquitous Computing described by Mark Weiser in his article [l] is based on the idea that future computers will progressively combine with their environment until they become completely invisible to the user. With technology development, the trend will not remain only as an imagination. In the recent years, the revolution has resulted in considerably smaller and cheaper computers, and single purpose computers with embedded sensors are almost available from both economical and theoretical viewpoints. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) [2, 31 are becoming a reality, and therefore, the related aspects such as routing protocols have become an important area of research. 在文献1中,Mark Weise(马克?韦泽)讲到,今后的电脑等设备将逐步与他们的环境结合起来,直到他们成为完全的无形。随着科技发展的趋势,这种设想将会成为现实。近年来,电脑变得越来越小且越来越便宜,无论从经济还是理论上看,嵌入式


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