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電子組裝業生產排程較適方法之研究電子組裝業生產排程較適方法之研究 電子組裝業生產排程較適方法之研究電子組裝業生產排程較適方法之研究 A Study on the Preferable Production Scheduling in the Electronics Assembly Firms 周昌筧周昌筧 * 周昌筧周昌筧 *馬偕醫護管理專科學校 楊建樑楊建樑 楊建樑楊建樑 黎明技術學院工業工程與管理系 摘要摘要 摘要摘要 本文旨在探討先進規劃排程(Advanced Planning and Scheduling ; APS)在企業應用時的可行方法 。舉國內某一主機板製造廠之排程方法 為例 ,以限制理論為基礎,採線性規劃方法設計出其APS 系統 ,並將 之與現行人工排程系統比較 ,以成本最小為目標函數,研究發現,APS 與現行人工排程間 ,存在有某種現象,暫稱為「弦月現象」,此一現 象可以作為企業欲調整 APS 排程結果時之參考 ,本文並歸納出其應用 方法 ,可作為企業製作生產排程時之決策工具。 關鍵詞 :先進規劃排程,限制理論 ABSTRACT Master production scheduling plays a critical role in the modern business. Inputting the production problems, such as committe d and uncommitted PO, forecasting, product line capability, quality probl ems, key parts stocks, etc., and outputs the plans and schedules. This drives al l the related business processes alive, purchasing materials, producing pr oducts, dispatching jobs, …and so on. In this research, we investigate the related produc tion activities and identify the problems in an electronic assembly fir m. An APS model that fits in the case company is proposed. With 6 scenario testi ng, we assure this APS model to be applicable for the case company. This m odel uses linear programming over TOC (Theory of Constraints) theory . It considers the constraints of capacity and the objective is to min imize the total cost. Meanwhile, an interesting phenomenon (we name it “The Eclipsed Moon phenomenon”) was found, which can be u


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