Design of LowFrequency AC Transmission (低频交流传动的设计).pdf

Design of LowFrequency AC Transmission (低频交流传动的设计).pdf

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Design of LowFrequency AC Transmission (低频交流传动的设计)

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014) Design of Low-Frequency AC Transmission System for Offshore Wind Farms 1 2 M. Manohara , S. Sonia 1 2 Associate professor, P.G Scholar, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, AP, India Abstract— In recent years the amount of electricity At present, high-voltage ac (HVAC) and high-voltage dc produced from wind has grown rapidly. Offshore wind farm (HVDC) are well-known technologies for transmission [1- is currently seen as a promising solution to satisfy the growing 3]. HVAC transmission is advantageous because it is demand for renewable energy source. The main reasons for somewhat simple to design the protection system and to the rapid development of offshore wind farms includes much change voltage levels using transformers. However, the better wind resources and smaller environmental impact. However, the current state of the offshore wind farms substantial charging current due to the high capacitance of presents economic challenges significantly greater than submarine ac power cables reduces the active power onshore. The integration of offshore wind farms with the main



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