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第 卷第 期 工业水处理 灾燥造援36 晕燥援2
36 2
年 月 陨灶凿怎泽贼则蚤葬造 宰葬贼藻则 栽则藻葬贼皂藻灶贼 Feb. 袁圆园16
圆园16 2
曹秀芹 王 远 蒋竹荷
北京建筑大学城市雨水系统与水环境省部共建教育部重点实验室 北京
袁 100044冤
摘要 活性污泥作为非牛顿流体 其流变特性对污水处理工艺有着至关 要的影响 而活性污泥流变特性受
暂 遥
多种因素影响 其中温度和浓度是最主要的因素 此外污泥的理化特性如表面电荷尧EPS尧粒径等 以及系统的运行条
件如 通气量 预处理等也会影响污泥流变特性 这些因素在影响流变特性的同时会影响到传质过程 污泥管道
pH尧 尧 遥 尧
输送以及污泥处理处置工艺等方面 因此 掌握各影响因素对流变特性的影响变化规律具有 要的实际意义
遥 遥
关键词 活性污泥 流变特性 黏度
暂 曰 曰
中图分类号暂 X705 文献标识码暂 A 文章编号暂 1005-829X渊2016冤02-0005-05
Main factors influencing the rheological characteristics of the
activated sludge and its research progress
Cao Xiuqin Wang Yuan Jiang Zhuhe
渊Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwate r Syste m and Wate r Env ironme nt Ministry of Education
Beij ing Unive rs ity of Civ il Engineering and Architecture Beij ing 100044 China冤
Abstract 院 Being one of the non鄄newtonian fluids the rheological characteristics of activated sludge has great influ鄄
ence on the sewage treatment process. The rheological characteristics of activated sludge are affected by many kinds
of factors among which temperature and concentration are the main ones. In addition the physicochemical charac鄄
teristics such as surface charge EPS particle size etc. as well as pH ventilation volume pre鄄treatment etc. can al鄄
so affect the rheological characteristics of activated sludge. Meanwhile these factors can also