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句子重音 Sentence Stress 句子重音的一般规则 实词重读 虚词不重读 名词 一般都重读 There is a book on the desk. My sister put up a picture on the wall. John wants to see the teacher after class. An elephant is an animal. ;一些含义较广,本身没有很确切内容的名词,如thing, person, place, 或指一大类人或事物的名词,如 man, woman, fellow, time, ship,前面有修饰语缩小其范围时,这类名词通常不重读 That’s a nice thing. (比较: That’s a nice picture.) He’s an easy person to get along with. He’s the right man for the job. It’s already lunch time. (比较; It’s time for lunch.) ;代词 常重读的代词有 1.指示代词 This is not what I mean. That isn’t the one I asked for. Do you like ()these flowers? 但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音 How do you like those little ones? Who wrote this interesting story? ;2. 名词性物主代词 Yours is much nicer than mine. The red one is his. 但在双重所有格中,物主代词往往不重读 I’m writing to a friend of mine. 3. 强调代词 I saw it myself. The man himself told me so. 4.疑问代词 Who are you talking to? What can I do for you? Who came to see you this morning?;不重读的代词有:人称代词,反身代词,物主代词(形容词性),相互代词,关系代词 He hasn’t seen my brother yet. He hurt himself when he was playing football. They often help each other. The girl who spoke to you just now is my sister.;形容词(包括分词作形容词)一般都应重读 数词一般都应重读 The streets are wide, clean and beautiful. This narrow valley was the scene of a famous battle. His first daughter is fifteen. It’s a dull and disappointing film. That’s exciting news. The worried man entered the crowded street. He bought ten cups and I bought only four. ;冠词一般都不重读 He lives in a house not far from the school. Its an hour’s drive from the old station. The man over there is my brother. An elephant is an animal. ;动词 主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词(notional verb)都要重读 (be、have 除外) He ‘takes a ’walk after ‘supper ’every ‘day. ’Don’t for‘get your ’homework. I sup‘pose you ’know him. 非限定动词一般也都要重读 不定式 We de‘cided to ’start the ‘next ’day. 分词 We sat at the desk writing a letter. 动名词 It’s no use asking him about that. ;助动词和情态动词与not构成的缩略式要重读 I don’t want to go there today. He wasn


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