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听觉辨别阈的测定 - 声学技术
梁之安 邵殿华 罗维之
( , 200031)
, (
) ( ) ( f ) ( I ) ()
, f 1. 30. 6pps( pulses per sec. , ) , I 0.4
0. 2dB,0. 90. 3 , 2. 51. 1pps, 0. 50. 2dB 1. 20. 5
Measurement of auditory discriminating thresholds
LIANG Zhian HAO Dianhua LUO Weizhi
( hanghai Instit ut e of Physiology , Chinese Academy of ciences, hanghai. 200031)
/ / ,
With a newly designed FM AM M sound stimulator accurate measurements of auditory discriminating
( ) , ( ) ( )
thresholds of frequency f intensity I and phase w ere performed psychophysically in humans
and elect rophysiologically in guinea pigs. For normal hearing human subjects, the measured t hresholds
amount t o 1. 30. 6 pps for f , 0. 40. 2dB for I , and 0. 90. 3 for . For normal hearing guinea pigs,
they are 2. 51. 1pps, 0. 50. 2 dB and 1. 20. 5 , correspondingly . The designed stim ulator is simple in
construction and easy t o manipulate and the operating principles are described in details.
1 引 言 2 调频调幅调相声刺激器的工
[ 1]
f I
, ,
( ,
) ,
, ,
, ,
[ 28]
[ 5, 7]
, 1( )
( ) ( 500pps
f I
: 1996-9-23